GMG Mentorship Program Complaints Policy

Operated by LearnDistrict Inc. DBA GIRLS MAKE GAMES

Last updated: Nov 22, 2022

Girls Make Games (GMG) and our partners are committed to providing our mentors and mentees with a high-quality, safe environment in support of professional and personal development of participants. This policy is to ensure mentors and mentees are aware of how to provide feedback and, in case there is a need to escalate, GMG’s complaints procedure.

Complaints could relate to any aspect of the GMG Mentorship Program, for example, the processes involved, your mentor or mentee, or your general experience. GMG takes all complaints seriously. Through this Complaints Process we aim to:

  • Provide an effective way for you to inform us if you are not happy

  • Support your right to complain and disagree

  • Resolve your complaint quickly and effectively


GMG and, where appropriate, the relevant corporate partner, will treat any information given to us sensitively and will not publicly discuss complaints. We cannot always guarantee to keep your identity confidential as we may need to disclose your identity if required to do so by law. It should also be noted that your identity may be recognisable to others due to the nature of the complaint, although we will endeavor to limit this where possible. 

All complaints will be logged by GMG for reporting and monitoring purposes. Details of complaints are kept in accordance with our data protection policy.

If you have made a complaint and provided contact details, you will be informed of any part of the investigation which may involve you directly. However, due to confidentiality and legal restrictions GMG and our partners may not disclose the outcome of the investigation or any information gained during the investigation, for example, GMG may only report that an investigation has been carried out and appropriate action taken.

Contact points

Mentors are assigned a contact point both from their place of employment and on the GMG team. Mentees will be in contact with GMG. Our team will answer any day-to-day questions and to act as a point of contact for feedback, concerns or complaints.

raising a complaint informally

Mentors should, in the first instance, raise the issue of concern or complaint with their HR partner and GMG staff. Both parties will, if possible, act to resolve the problem.

Mentees should, in the first instance, raise the issue of concern with GMG staff. We will, if possible, act to resolve the problem.

Both parties have the right to request a change in mentor/mentee after the first session. It is important to note that this Mentorship Program is designed to be supportive and therefore almost all issues can be resolved informally. Phone or online discussions are easier to convey information than an email where meaning may be misconstrued.

As part of our monitoring and evaluation of the program undertaken by GMG, we will encourage participants to give feedback on the program. This will be done through feedback forms at the end of the mentorship cycle, as well as a mid-point check-in where the mentor and mentee both have the opportunity to raise any concerns or issues.

Formal Complaints Process

For instances that an informal solution is not found, mentors and mentees should email their complaint directly to

We want to make sure that we investigate your complaint thoroughly and provide you with a timely response. To allow us to do this, please provide as much information as possible when contacting us, including:

  • Reason for complaint

  • Where and when it happened

  • Name(s) of people involved

  • The outcome you are hoping for

  • Your contact details (name, address, daytime telephone number and/or email).

The GMG team will reply to concerns within 24 hours and provide a full response within one week. However, sometimes we might need some extra time to investigate, in which case we will let you know when you should expect to hear from us. 

We aim to resolve all complaints within 14 working days of receipt. 

It is important to note that this is a supportive mentorship program and therefore we expect almost all issues to be resolved informally. 

If the issue is still not resolved, and GMG feels the behavior is affecting the delivery of the program, this may result in a formal warning, with the understanding that following another warning, the mentor or mentee will be asked to leave the program.

In all cases, participants have the right to be accompanied at meetings on these issues by a participant, member of staff, or friend.

Immediate program SUSPENSION

If any mentors or mentees engage in harassment or abuse, or behavior that puts participants at risk, including but not limited to, bullying, sexual harassment or abuse – they will be immediately be suspended from the program. For complaints against the mentee, the mentee will be able to put forward their case which will be reviewed by both GMG and the relevant corporate partner, and a decision will be made within 14 days. If the complaint against the mentee is upheld they will be excluded from the GMG Fellowship Program. Complaints against mentors will be referred to their HR partners and the case reviewed under the relevant partner’s HR safeguarding and staff safety policies.

persistent Complaints

On rare occasions where a complaint is frequent in nature GMG will take action to limit their complainant’s contact with our staff. 

The decision to restrict access to our staff will be taken by the GMG CEO in consultation with the relevant corporate partner and will follow a prior warning to the complainant. Any restrictions imposed will be appropriate and proportionate.

In exceptional cases, contact with a complainant may be terminated without restrictions first being imposed. In all persistent complaint cases, we will write to tell the complainants why we believe their behavior falls into that category, what action we are taking, and the duration of that action. GMG reserves the right to terminate contact with that complainant about the matter. In such cases, we will read all correspondence from that complainant, but unless there is fresh evidence that affects our decision, we will simply acknowledge it or place it on the file with no acknowledgement.

Complaints procedure review

Prepared on: September 29, 2022

Prepared by: Genevieve Marshall, Communications & Partnerships Director, Girls Make Games

This procedure will be reviewed annually and altered as appropriate.