Friends + Video Games = Best Summer Ever ❤️

We're proud to offer both in-person and virtual summer camps! Our 12th round of summer camps are scheduled this July in 4 locations around the US and virtually for students based all over the world!

Our Programs


flagship Summer Camps

Learn how to design and program your own video game in just 3 weeks! 
We are proud to offer both In-Person & Virtual camps.

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International demo day

Top creators from around the world pitch their games to industry judges. Grand Prize Winners will receive exciting prizes sponsored by GMG’s partners!


summer fellowship (ages 18+)

The GMG Fellowship Program provides participants an insider’s view of the industry, an opportunity to teach game dev by mentoring kids, and access to networking and coaching opportunities.


Tell us about a game you’ve always wanted to make - that very special idea that lives in your head. No coding required, no bulky art tablets .. share your favorite game idea to win exciting prizes! :)


Learn how to make your own 3D or 2D game in professional game engines line Unreal or Unity!
Bonus mobile dev - learn how to port your game to Android in just 1 session.

GMG Portal

We’re making game development resources accessible for kids and families. Tutorials, inspiring role models, game dev colleges and scholarships all in one place!


Our Impact

10 years ago, we embarked on a journey to bring the magic of game making to girls everywhere. We’re nowhere near done, but the last 8 years have been an incredible period of growth supported by the video games industry and GMG’s community — you!

To learn more about our goals and how you can support them, please review our 2023 Partnership Deck, available for download here.



girls made games w/ us

Through workshops, and summer camps around the world, we’re proud to have reached over 7,200 girls who loved making and playing games with us.

We’ve reached even more students through our tutorials and resources - over 25K strong!




We know we can’t do this alone. A huge thank you to our community partners, who delivered thousands of hours of game dev curriculum to girls world over - from Stockholm, Sweden to Chittagong, Bangladesh!



digital downloads

GMG’s titles were downloaded and played over 190,000 times on PC (Steam/, console (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox) and mobile (Google Play Store).


Our Partners

It takes a village to raise a child, or a company..and it certainly has taken nearly all of the video games industry to help our program grow from one summer camp to the movement it is today. We’re deeply grateful for their support and love, and can’t wait to build the future of the industry together.